7401 Main St. Queenstown, MD 21658
Sunday Service 10:15am

Sermons by Pastor Tom Chandler (Page 24)

1 Peter 10/11/15

Have you ever given real thought to the opening verse of Psalm 23?  Explore that thought with us today, as it relates to 1 Peter 2:24-25. The Ray Vanderlaan video used in today’s message is available here.

1 Peter 09/27/15

***Due to audio corruption, the first few minutes of this recorded message were not usable*** Pastor Tom began the message by observing that we are accelerating quickly toward the time of year when all eyes and attention are turned to the upcoming election season. [audio src=”https://www.scfchurch.org/Audio/1Peter/09-27-2015/September272015.mp3″ ] Please listen to this brief update to this week’s…